明清时期铜手炉大多用的是材质纯净的水红铜和紫红铜 |
添加时间:2019/10/29 16:47:24 浏览次数: |
明清时期,名家制作的铜手炉,大多用的是材质纯净的水红铜和紫红铜。好的铜手炉,一定是好工制作,其纹饰工艺普通的铜材无法做成,只有好的材质,塑性才好。清代中晚期以后,许多铜炉都是仿造明代名炉,由于材质的限制,用的大多是黄铜和白铜,加上匠人的工艺水平低,所以清代中晚期以后仿造的铜炉,工艺粗糙,器形不规整。炉盖和炉身,结合不紧凑,间隙大。 In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most of the bronze hand furnaces made by famous experts used pure water red copper and purple red copper. A good cupreous stove must be well made. The common copper materials of its decoration process cannot be made. Only good materials and plasticity are good. After the middle and late Qing Dynasty, many copper furnaces were imitated from Ming famous furnaces. Due to the limitation of materials, most of them were made of brass and white copper. In addition, the craftsman's technology level was low, so the imitated copper furnaces after the middle and late Qing Dynasty had rough technology and irregular shape. The combination of furnace cover and furnace body is not compact and the gap is large. 铜手炉制造工艺,集其它艺术品工艺于一身。有鎏金,镀银,镶嵌,雕刻,錾刻,错金错银,敲打,磨制等等。各道工序,都是手工制作完成,没有多年的制作经验和纯熟技巧,是无法做好。 The copper hand stove manufacturing process integrates other arts and crafts. There are gilding, silvering, inlaying, carving, chiseling, gold inlaying, silver inlaying, beating, grinding and so on. Each process is hand-made, without many years of production experience and skilled skills, it can not be done well. |
上一页 了解每个城市存在的人物铜雕艺术价值起到帮助作用 |
下一页 古人制炉时必定恭恭敬敬,才能制出端正庄严重器 |
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