它标志着商代青铜器铸造技术的发展水平 |
添加时间:2019/8/28 15:39:48 浏览次数:2 |
铸造方形器要比圆形器困难,何况象司母戊鼎这样的重器,工艺复杂程度,在当时的生产力水平下,其困难可想而知,这就要求制作者有相当高的技术水平。关于大鼎的铸造方法,根据研究者的观察分析,认为大鼎是采用组芯的造型方法,即先用粘土塑造泥模,用泥模翻制陶范,再把陶范合到一起灌注铜液。从铸造痕迹来看,司母戊鼎使用二十块范畴铸成的。一次铸造成功如此巨大的器物,本身就是一个奇迹,它标志着商代青铜器铸造技术的发展水平。 It is more difficult to cast square wares than circular wares. Besides, heavy wares such as Simuwuding have a complex process. At the level of productivity at that time, the difficulty is conceivable, which requires the producer to have a fairly high technical level. On the casting method of Dading, according to the observation and analysis of the researchers, it is believed that Dading adopts the method of core formation, that is, clay is used to shape clay mould, clay mould is used to turn pottery mould, and then pottery mould is combined to pour copper liquid. From the casting trace, Simuwuding was cast in 20 categories. It is a miracle that such a huge object was successfully cast at one time. It marks the development level of bronze casting technology in Shang Dynasty. |
上一页 我国古代青铜鼎有烹煮肉食、祭祀等用途 |
下一页 薰炉的材质多为陶制的豆形炉 |
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