观音大士像为青铜铸造,可称雕塑精品 |
添加时间:2019/6/3 16:11:55 浏览次数: |
文殊院坐北朝南,建筑面积11600平方米。天王殿、三大士殿、大雄宝殿、说法堂、藏经楼庄严肃穆,古朴宽敞,为典型的清代建筑。两旁配以禅、观、客、斋、戒和念佛堂、职事房,形成一个封闭的四合院。两相对峙的三檐式钟鼓楼,钟楼里悬有4500多公斤的铜铸大钟一口。观音大士像为青铜铸造,可称雕塑精品。 The Manjusri Courtyard is situated in the north and faces the South with an area of 11600 square meters. The Temple of Heavenly Kings, the Three Great Scholars'Halls, the Hall of Majesty, the Hall of Speech and www.zhutongjian.cnwww.zhutiejian.net.cnwww.diandongmenz.cnwww.fenshaoluu.cnwww.fusheguan.c om.cnwww.zhujianchang.cnthe Hall of Tibetan Classics are solemn, simple and spacious, which are typical buildings of the Qing Dynasty. A closed quadrangle courtyard is formed by Zen, Guanguan, Guest, Zhai, Ritual and Buddhist chanting halls and office rooms on both sides. The three-eaved bell-and-drum tower with two opposing sides hangs a copper-cast bell of more than 4,500 kilograms. The statue of Guanyin Master is cast in bronze and can be called a fine sculpture. |
上一页 佛像制作者的雕塑反映在佛像的容貌和服饰上 |
下一页 铜鼎是从陶制的三足鼎演变而来的 |
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