铜香炉在现代依然应用广泛的原因 |
添加时间:2019/5/6 16:51:01 浏览次数: |
首先,不是现在人们已经不再进行祭祀了,现在人们依然通过祭祀等表达自己的追思和情环。但是人们以现代的方式进行祭祀活动,所以,平时的祭祀基本上已经看不到使用香炉了。 First of all, it is not that people have stopped offering sacrifices now. Now people still express their rejinsu.37ix.com.cntiaoyafa.89ix.compentuguan.89ix.comthoughts and feelings through sacrifices. However, people carry out sacrificial activities in a modern way, so the use of incense burners has jiaoguan.89ix.comtongdiao.71ix.comhandan.71ix.cnbasically disappeared in the ordinary sacrificial activities. 第二,宗教活动常常使用。在寺庙等等地方,都设有铜香炉,供香客进香使用。 Second, religious activities are often used. In temples and other places, there are copper incense burners for pilgrims to use. 第三,民间信仰。民间为了表达一种心灵的寄托或者美好的追求心理,人们对神仙等还是比较敬重的。虽说现在人们很理智,但这却是一种表达的方式。 Third, folk beliefs. In order to express a kind of spiritual sustenance or a good pursuit of psychology, people still respect fairies and so on. Now people are very rational, but this is a way of expression. |
上一页 铜鼎是从陶制的三足鼎演变而来的 |
下一页 铜香炉最为常见的几种做旧法 |
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