佛像的头光和背光 |
添加时间:2019/2/14 16:20:54 浏览次数: |
在佛像绘画中,佛陀、菩萨、圣者的头顶和身后,都笼罩着一道辉煌的灵光圈。由于头光和背光是表现佛像果位的,所以对头光和背光的处理,十分重视,有多种式样。 In the painting of Buddha statues, the head and back of Buddha, Bodhisattva and saints are covered with a brilliant aura of spirituality. Since the head light and backlight represent the fruit position of the Buddha statue, the treatment of the head light and backlight is very important, and there are many styles. 佛教的最高境界是“成佛”,而觉悟的本质便是光明朗照。最高果位的佛像,不仅有头光,而且有背光,象征着他已达到了大彻大悟。次高果位的佛像,则仅有头光而没有背光;更次果位的声闻、护法佛像,按照教义只有极少数德行圆满都有头光。 The highest realm of Buddhism is to become Buddha, and the essence of awakening is to shine brightly. The statue of Buddha in the highest fruit position has not only head light but also backlight, whichuxiuji.89ix.comboxianwas.89ix.commojugs.37ix.com.cnjijingfang.37ix.com.cnkangtongji.37ix.co m.cnxiangrong.37ix.com.cnch symbolizes that he has achieved great enlightenment. The Buddha statues in the second highest fruit position have only head light but no backlight; and the Buddha statues in the second fruit position have head light in accordance with the doctrine that only a few virtues and deeds are perfect. 在佛像雕刻中,也有式样很多的头光和舟形背光。其中,有许多头光和舟形背光的式样和做工,具有时代的特点,故可作为断代的依据。In Buddhist statue sculpture, there are also many types of headlights and boat-shaped backlights. Among them, there are many styles and workmanship of head light and boat-shaped backlight, which have the characteristics of the times, so they can be used as the basis for dating. |
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