





五百罗汉像在很多唐县铜雕厂家里面都会有看到的,五百罗汉像比较多见,根据佛经的相关记载,佛灭度迦叶尊者与五百阿罗汉最初结集三藏。《舍利弗问经》中说,弗沙秘多罗王毁灭佛法后,有五百罗汉重兴圣教。诸如此类说法甚多。 Five hundred arhats in many volunteers tripod manufacturer will have to see inside, five hundred lohan like see more, according to the buddhist scriptures related records, death kasyapa honour person with five hundred arhat initially collected monk. After the destruction of the Buddha by the king of the French, there were five hundred rehsin-church saints. There are many such claims. 在佛经当中,随着人们对于十六罗汉的崇拜越来越多,,五百罗汉像也便在五代时期见于绘画和雕塑,不久便有许多寺庙建立了五百罗汉堂。每天还有供奉三炷香、五百罗汉像一般主要是说佛释迦去世后参加第一次经结集的五百比丘,以大迦叶和阿难首。至于五百比丘的其他人,除知名的十大弟子外,一般没有名号的记载。有的还是没有现实根基。在一些寺庙当中除了五百罗汉像之外,还有最为常见的如来佛铜像雕塑矗立在寺庙当中。 In the buddhist scriptures, as more and more people to worship the sixteen arhats, five hundred lohan as also then seen in paintings and sculptures in the five dynasties period, there are many temples built five hundred arhat hall soon. Every day, there are three other fragrant incense and five hundred lohan, which are generally used to say that Buddha's death is the first time that he has entered the first collection of the five hundred hills, which is the first of the two, which is the great calabar and the first. As for the rest of the five hundred monks, there was no record of names except the top ten. Some still have no real foundation. In some temples, there is the most common statue of Buddha statue standing in the temple.


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