





铸铜雕塑对后世的影响 The effect of casting copper sculpture on later world 有人说,美观大气的雕塑是建筑物的点睛之笔,就像穿上一身美丽的衣服,如若没有适当的饰品用来装饰,变不能算的上完美。 铜雕塑是建筑亦是如此,相辅相成。近年来城市人口的日益增多,城市建筑相应也在增加。 Someone said, beautiful atmosphere of sculpture is the nods eyeball pen of buildings, like put on beautiful clothes, if without the proper accessories used for decoration, change is not perfect. The bronze sculpture is the same as the building, which is complementary to each other. In recent years, the urban population has increased and the urban architecture has increased. 一个好的建筑将成为个城市标志性的建筑,当然好的建筑缺少了好的雕塑的搭配,自然也缺少了她应有的灵气。有人曾说过人们到一个地方去旅游,有可能记不住这座建筑,但是必然能记住月之搭配的雕塑。大的不说就说我们现在出去旅游,合影留念基本都会于这座城市的标志性雕塑合影。可见雕塑对一个城市的重要性。 A good building will be a city's landmark building, and of course the good buildings lack the combination of good sculptures, and nature lacks the spirit that she deserves. Some people have said that people go to a place to travel and may not remember the building, but they must remember the sculpture of the month. The big thing is that we're going out for a trip right now, and the photo is taken together with the iconic statue of the city. The importance of sculpture to a city. 一般说来锻铜雕塑艺术是一门传统艺术,早在中国古代和中世纪的古罗马帝国,锻铜工术便已十分盛行。21世纪的到来,新技术、新工艺的更新发展,为现代锻铜艺术发展提供了更为广阔的舞台和发展空间。 Generally speaking, the art of forging bronze sculpture is a traditional art, which is very popular in ancient Chinese and medieval Roman empire. The arrival of the 21st century, the renewal of new technologies and new processes, provides a broader stage and development space for the development of modern wrought bronze art.


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